$ 6.25
To obtain this amount, help by activating only one regular card

$ 62.5
To obtain this amount, help by activating a regular card – 10 cards

$ 625
To obtain this amount, help by activating a regular card – 100 cards

$ 6250
To obtain this amount, help by activating a regular card – 1000 cards


$ 12.5
To obtain this amount, help by activating only one silver card

$ 125
To get this amount help activate the Silver Card – 10 cards

$ 1250
To get this amount help activate the Silver Card – 100 cards

$ 12500
To get this amount help activate the Silver Card – 1000 cards


$ 37.5
To obtain this amount, help by activating only one gold card

$ 375
To get this amount help activate the gold Card – 10 cards

$ 3750
To get this amount help activate the gold Card – 100 cards

$ 37500
To get this amount help activate the gold Card – 1000 cards


$ 62.5
To obtain this amount, help by activating only one Diamond card

$ 625
To get this amount help activate the Diamond Card – 10 cards

$ 6250
To get this amount help activate the Diamond Card – 100 cards

$ 62500
To get this amount help activate the Diamond Card – 1000 cards


To get the iPhone Pro Max 16, help activate the regular card 320 cards or 160 silver card or 53 gold card or 32 diamond card

gift A trip to Egypt

To get an all-expenses-inclusive trip for a week to Egypt for two people help activate the regular card 640 or 320 silver cards or 106 gold cards or 64 diamond cards.

gift car 1

To get a Toyota RAV4 – help activate the regular card 6400 or cards silver 3200 or cards gold 1066 or cards or diamond 640 .

gift home

To obtain a modern house with an area of ​​200 square meters in an upscale area in your country, including all home furnishings, help activate the regular card 80000, the silver cards 40000, the gold cards 13333, or the diamond cards 8000.

World Guide
gifts From © Colors Company