Our policy is clear and our message is clear, which is to collect all services in one site to facilitate the way for everyone to use the platform and a safe place, and for the World Guide team to be in all countries and all cities. We work as one family and welcome everyone, all types of professions, to our platform, as it provides a safe environment and provides many services and communication. Messages, social networking inside, live broadcasts, chat rooms, and many more in the World Guide application. In addition to these instructions, we highly recommend reviewing our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, because they provide a comprehensive understanding of your rights and responsibilities as a user of the World Guide website.

1- Be respectful and considerate Treat all members with respect Engage in conversations and interactions that are polite and free of harassment, discrimination or offensive language .

2- Honesty and Honesty Your information about yourself must be accurate and truthful, including your personal data and interests. Do not misrepresent yourself or use misleading profile pictures. Honesty is the foundation for building real relationships and real business .

3- It is strictly prohibited to use pornographic images in publications, messages, and live broadcasts. Otherwise, you will expose yourself to a permanent ban and be prevented from using the World Guide website, because this ban will be on your Internet and on the ID number of the phone you are using or the computer. Beware .

4- Harassment or abusive behavior will not be tolerated. You must refrain from using hate speech, engaging in bullying, or making derogatory comments based on race, religion, gender, or skin color. Beware .

5- Do not create accounts that impersonate others or use fake profiles .

6- If you experience any behavior that violates our guidelines or makes you feel uncomfortable, we encourage you to report it in the Help Center section .

7- The World Guide can be used by all ages. It is a service and social networking site related to business and daily life, to develop skills, trade, and much more .

World Guide